Meet the SDN Accredited Service Design Trainers

Get to know our Accredited Service Design Trainers' approach to Service Design. Find out more about where and in which language they commonly provide their service design trainings, as well as the service sectors they have particular experience in.

Find the right trainer for your needs! Our Accredited Service Design Trainers have been approved by the SDN Accreditation Committee, based on a self-assessment and an in-depth interview to validate their skills. There are two types of Accredited Trainers: Service Design Trainer & Service Design Master Trainer/Coarch. With this official accreditation initiative we are helping to establish a standard and ensure higher quality within the field. 


Diane Shen - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Diane Shen - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Taiwan / Taipei, Netherland / Amsterdam, Eindhoven, US / San Francisco
Languages of training: Chinese (Taiwan/China), English
Service sectors: Technology (High tech & Consumer Electronics), Retail, Media, Textile and Fashion, Telecommunication, Non-profit & social enterprise

"Empowering people rewards me a great sense of achievement"
Read more in her self-assessment

Dennis Abuya - Accredited Trainer

Dennis Abuya - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Nairobi (Kenya) and across the English-speaking countries in Africa
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: ICT, healthcare, hospitality, financial, public sector, NGO

"Make it fun, hands-on and use real-life examples that the participants can easily relate to

Read more in his self-assessment.

Olga Strelnyk - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Kiev, Odessa, Dnepr, Minsk
Languages of training: Ukranian, Russian & English
Service sectors: banks, e-retailers, retial chains of home appliances, food retail

"My favorite condition is the process of finding a solution. This is adrenaline, this is what makes my life full."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Olga Strelnyk - Accredited Trainer
Kateryna Zaiko - Accredited Trainer

Kateryna Zaiko - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Ukraine, Macedonia 
Languages of training: Ukranian, russian, english
Service sectors: Retail, transportation, e-learning, gamification

"My goal is to empower people in making things simpler and better, in developing abstract thinking and helicopter view."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Omar Vulpinari - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Italy, Republic of San Marino & United Kingdom.
Languages of training: Italian & English
Service sectors: Education, healthcare, public and social, and retail are the most experienced sectors.

"Doing, Using, Interacting (DUI) to enable trainees to actively build their own knowledge and skills through a hands-on, collaborative and self- reflective process."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Omar Vulpinari - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach
Jo McNicoll - Accredited Trainer

Jo McNicoll - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Scotland, Dundee, Angus, Edinburgh
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: Education, Healthcare, Housing

"It's about understanding all stakeholders, applying empathy and co-creating solutions to different types of problems."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Katie Murrie - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Scotland
Languages of training: English 
Service sectors: education, digital strategies, voluntary services, legal services

I believe that practical, immersive and collaborative learning experiences are the most beneficial when teaching service design."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Katie Murrie - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach
Chris Muir - Accredited Trainer

Chris Muir - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: United Kingdom (mainly Scotland at present)
Languages of training: English & Scotish 
Service sectors: Leadership/managment of service design projects, cultural change, creativity and ideation processes 

"For service design to be successful it requires first and foremost, the right people in the right environment from the beginning. It's about understanding people, applying empathy and co-creating solutions to different types of problems."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Anna-Sophie Oertzen - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Germany, Netherlands and Portugal
Languages of training: English & German
Service sectors: I have been working on initiatives in diverse service sectors, encompassing healthcare, pharmaceutical, finance, consumer goods, transport, food, and information services.


" When designing and facilitating an educational experience, it is important to apply service design principles also for the training itself."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Anna-Sophie Oertzen - Accredited Trainer
Mário P. Ascenção  - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Mário P. Ascenção - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Malta, Portugal
Languages of training: English, Portuguese
Service sectors: hospitality, tourism, leisure, retail, education, healthcare, transport

"I favour embodied 'design doing’ to purely thinking design. In addition, spaces are one pervasive component of service design. Creativity, as a central element in service design, is shaped by the spaces we inhabit."

Read more in his self-assessment.

Aydincan Ataberk - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Istanbul, Turkey
Languages of training: Turkish
Service sectors: tourism, finance, automotive

"A service design training must be playful and engaging. We humans learn new things by playing games. Playing is a safe way to experiment with new ideas."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Aydincan Ataberk - Accredited Trainer
Laurence Body - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Laurence Body - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: France
Languages of training: French
Service sectors: work with all sectors (telco, banks, transport, leisure, retail, tourism, etc)

"My workshops are fun, engaging, they take place in nice settings full of natural light...and good food! The takeaways are wrapped up in engaging deliverables."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Thomas Brandenburg - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: United States of America, Chicago
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: Non-profit organisations, intersections of physical and digital spaces and retail

"At the outset of an exercise, one should outline the benefits, give context, and illustrate them with real-world examples. This helps manage expectations of purpose, outcomes, and outputs."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Thomas Brandenburg - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach
Eleonora Carnasa - Accredited Trainer

Eleonora Carnasa - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Bucharest, Sofia
Languages of training: English & Bulgarian
Service sectors: Financial, Publishing, Clean technologies, Public and Non-governmental sectors.

"My ambition as a trainer and coach is to demonstrate the strategic role a service design could play in an organization as to foster a culture of innovation, facilitate digital transformation, shorten time to market, uncover new opportunities, improve customer and employee experience."

Read more in her self-assessment.


Martin Dowson - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Anywhere
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: finance

"I believe that service design is as much a mindset/approach and philosophy as it is a skill-set. It has to be fun. It has to be hands-on and experimental."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Martin Dowson - Accredited Trainer
Richard Ekelman - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Richard Ekelman - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: United States of America, Chicago
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: healthcare, industrial services & public utilities

"In my experience as a consultant and internal team member, the best work I have done was when I was able to leverage the expertise of people that would never describe themselves as a designer."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Abdalla Elbadawy - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Languages of training: English, Arabic
Service sectors: Healthcare, Public Sector, Digital/Internet, Charity

"Service Design is an approach of solving problems innovatively, a different logic of looking at business models and business offerings..."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Abdalla Elbadawy - Accredited Trainer
Fabien Fédy - Accredited Trainer

Fabien Fédy - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Helsinki (Finland), Berlin (Germany)
Languages of training: Finnish, German, English
Service sectors: financial industry, fintech, real estate, SaaS, mobility, publishing

"I believe that the training as such is an additional part of a life-long learning journey."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Molly Fuller - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: healthcare

"My philosophy on a successful service design training involves; setting up the right agenda, tone and mindset through a warm-up activity, then leading participants through exercises and activities that help them understand the design process."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Molly Fuller - Accredited Trainer
Victor M. Gonzalez - Accredited Trainer

Victor M. Gonzalez - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Mexico (Mexico City and main cities), Brazil (Sao Paulo, Rio), Colombia (Medellin, Bogota), Ecuador (Cuenca, Quito)
Languages of training: Spanish and sometimes in English
Service sectors: Retail, Insurance, Banks, Mining, Logistics, Software

"I provide a teaching experience with enough elements of theory and practice that help students to understand the foundations of the methods, and orient them to define the next actions to implement SD initiatives in the organisations"
Read more in his self-assessment.

Greg Grabowy - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: USA, New York, San Francisco (potential for London, Sidney, and Amsterdam)
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: finance, enterprise software, publishing

"Practicing and teaching service design starts with a shared understanding through storytelling."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Greg Grabowy - Accredited Trainer
Jesse Grimes - Accredited Master Trainer

Jesse Grimes - Accredited Master Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Amsterdam/Europe/Worldwide
Service sectors: Financial services, insurance, innovation environments (e.g. startup labs, accelerators), and for specialized software and industrial companies

"The characteristics of a successful service design training include an inclusive environment where there is no fear of failure, and an openness to creativity and experimentation." Read more in his self-assessment.

Elisabet Lagerstedt - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Sweden
Languages of training: Swedish & English
Service sectors: market research, management consulting, energy services, foodservice, municipalities and more

"I see service design very much as a systems approach."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Elisabet Lagerstedt - Accredited Trainer
Tim Macarthur - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Tim Macarthur - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Ireland, United States of America
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: financial services, connected vehicles, IoT

"Service Design is essentially about problem-solving. A good trainer needs to understand how the design process, mindsets and methods can be best applied to the specific problem context of the training."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Raisa Maijala - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Finland

Languages of training: Finnish & English

Service sectors: Tourism, healthcare, customer relations and public sector


"Successful service design training session is all about trust. If you can make participants feel relaxed they will learn more, they feel free to ask questions and innovate more."

Read more in her self-assessment.

Raisa Maijala - Accredited Trainer

Teemu Moilanen - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Malta and possibly also in Iran
Languages of training: Finnish & English
Service sectors: hospitality (airlines, hotels, restaurants, attractions)

"I believe both cognitive and experiental levels of learning are useful, but the latter is absolutely necessary. Therefore my training ALWAYS includes designing in/with real cases and real users."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Teemu Moilanen - Accredited Trainer
Stefan Moritz - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Stefan Moritz - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Copenhagen, Berlin, Munich, Cologne
Languages of training: German, English
Service sectors: Healthcare, insurance, banking, public sector, energy, logistics, education

"My philosophy of training is best described by the Chinese proverb ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand’."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Ruben Ocampo - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: United States, Latin America, United Kingdom, Australia
Languages of training: English & Spanish
Service sectors: banking and financial services, durable consumer products, professional services, academia (setting up entrepreneurship
& innovation hubs), native digital & tech start-up's

"Ultimately, service design is about understanding, visualizing, clarifying and/or designing large, complex service ecosystems."
Read more in his self-assessment.

Ruben Ocampo - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach
Matthew Oliphant - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Matthew Oliphant - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: US, Hong Kong, London (upcoming)
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: My work has impacted healthcare, insurance, banking, accounting, CRM, fundraising, marketing, e-commerce, business processing, education, transportation, engineering, SaaS, B2B, B2C, and the somewhat rare C2B


"Successful SD training (any training really) goes to where the participants currently are and walks/nudges them gently to where they need to be."

Read more in his self-assessment.

Gassia Salibian - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Gassia Salibian - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: United States: San Francisco, Boston, New York.
Languages of training: English
Service sectors: Financial services, real estate services, healthcare, health tech, software, IoT, mobile.

"To be successful in service design one must understand the mechanics of change and be able to manage the change or transformation cross functionally."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Stina Vanhoof - Accredited Trainer

Countries/cities of training: Belgium and the Netherlands
Languages of training: English & Dutch
Service sectors: Education, local government, culture, work and social economy, public sector, mobility


"By experiencing the process as a participant first and later experiencing it as a facilitator, trainees will receive the courage to implement the tools by themselves."

Read more in his self-assessment.

Stina Vanhoof - Accredited Trainer
Barbara Weber-Kainz - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Barbara Weber-Kainz - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Languages of training: English & German
Service sectors: transportation, tourism, healthcare, higher education, energy, public sector, telecommunication

"My philosophy is to combine the method of service design with the approach of organizational development. We do not act just as consultants from the  outside in; we enable people within the company to build and live their own structures from the inside out."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Tina Weisser - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Countries/cities of training: Germany, Netherlands
Languages of training: English & German
Service sectors: mobility, healthcare, telecommunications

"Ideally service design training will enable participants and employees to integrate their new service design process skills within their own work processes and daily tasks."
Read more in her self-assessment.

Tina Weisser - Accredited Master Trainer/Coach

Looking for gaining high level knowledge and skills about service design in a professional and state-of-the-art approach? Then check out the upcoming training sessions and events by our SDN Accredited Service Design Trainers taking place all around the world and book your seat!

If you are interested in becoming an SDN Accredited Trainer yourself, please find all the details here.

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