Touchpoint Subscription

Touchpoint is published three times per year in digital and printed format. The subscription options of Touchpoint are the following:

  •  SDN Membership: One user gets access to current and back issues: digital and printed versions, with further membership benefits. Cost: €180 one-year professional membership.
  • Single User License: One user gets access to the three issues of the year.
  • Online Campus licenses: For large organisations and universities. Access to up to 10,000 users at a time with access to current and past issues.

Subscription Rates and Orders:

PRINT Subscription (3 issues) Single Issue
world wide 80.70 EUR
subscribe via SDN
26.90 EUR
order via SDN
ONLINE (single user license) Subscription (3 issues) Single Issue
world wide 55.00 EUR
19.00 EUR
ONLINE Campus Licenses Subscription (3 issues/one year)
world wide - IP based -
one campus, up to 10,000 FTE
300.00 EUR

For more information about ONLINE campus licenses and subscriptions please contact

