Service Design Half-time with Birgit Mager
Service Design Half-time brings together Service Design practitioners from across the world to chat about their journey and challenges!
"SDN India aims to build a community of creatives with diverse specializations in order to discover, discourse & deliberate over service design with a strong focus on learning, collaboration & research through the creation of a dedicated network of service designers and enthusiasts"
Service Design Half-time brings together Service Design practitioners from across the world to chat about their journey and challenges!
Covid-19 has altered the way we live and work in fundamental ways. To survive and thrive organizations need to slow down and reflect on how our world, our work, and our work lives will change from this point. As engineers you might say we are already problem-oriented, but a design thinker is human-need oriented, which is the need of the hour.
Unfortunately, silos persists in agile-land. Agile projects often still lack a shared language, mutual tools, or a common perspective between all involved teams and departments.
As the global market becomes more competitive and increasingly driven by service innovation the question is: “Can service innovations be protected and patented as objects of intellectual property?”
Great to have you here. Together, we can share knowledge and learnings, and further strengthen our growing discipline.