Service Design Masterclass Video
The last Service Design Thinking workshop was fun and inspirational.

The Service Design Masterclass in Sofia
On July 31st we had the first accredited service design masterclass in Sofia.

SDN Bulgaria presented its activities in Brussels
The event was organised within the frames of the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the EU
Latest Chapter Events

Service Design Day in Bulgaria
June the 1st is the Service Design Day and SDN Bulgaria would like to invite you to a short online introduction of what service design is and what value it brings to the business. The event will be held in cooperation with the Software University in Bulgaria. Language: Bulgarian. Join free here: https://digital.softuni.bg/events/3569/service-design

Service Blueprint for #SDDAY21
The Bulgarian SDN Chapter met representatives of the Bulgarian software companies during their annual meeting on May 29th and presented the Chapter activities and Service Blueprint.
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SDN Bulgaria
SDN BulgariaSDN Chapters
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