SDN Academy Events From Keywords to Blueprints: An AI-Ready Service Design Framework

From Keywords to Blueprints: An AI-Ready Service Design Framework

Join us at the SDN Academy for a sneak peek at how to design innovative services that go beyond the ordinary with SDN-accredited Master Mauricio Manhães.

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SDN Academy Events Strategic Design in Organisations | SDN Academy

Strategic Design in Organisations | SDN Academy

Learn how service design empower organisations to deliver meaningful strategic value in this SDN Academy course.

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SDN Academy Events Journey Management

Journey Management

Learn how to bring journey mapping from a simple workshop tool to an interconnected information system in organizations in this new SDN Academy course with SDN Acc. Master Marc Stickdorn.

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SDN Academy Events Socially Sustainable Services

Socially Sustainable Services

Let's dive into the concept of social sustainability in service design and get guidance on designing socially sustainable.

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