Dire, dystopic films featuring AI-engineered robots intent on the destruction of humanity has captured the minds and imagination of movie-goers across the globe. Ever-present concerns stemming from the “what-ifs” associated with AI technology has led many to fear for the future of us all. In reality, AI is a very present and intrinsic component of our everyday lives, helping us to manage such tasks as the operation of our smartphones, the navigation of our cars and even the oversight of our Netflix accounts. AI, nevertheless, represents more than a technological tool that simply makes things a little easier for us. It should be recognised as the disruptor it is, a true change agent and the driver of services that are rapidly altering how we as humans work, live and play.
But what does that look like as we move forward and where, exactly, do we as humans fit into the equation?
According to Connor Upton (Group Design Director) and Anna Skrypnychenko, (system and service designer) of global design and innovation consultancy Fjord, the answer is clear—human and AI collaboration.
Designed Intelligence at SDGC19
As a pre-cursor to the start of the Service Design Global Conference 2019 (Toronto, Canada) the SDN is pleased to welcome Connor Upton and Anna Skrypnychenko as facilitators of the workshop Designed Intelligence (October 9) which looks to introduce participants to AI concepts and the range of design considerations that can increase the adoption and resilience of AI-powered services. As Fjord has been a true trailblazer in this space, our experts will look to breakdown AI from intimidating subject matter into something highly relatable. In essence, it's not about what AI is but what it can do! Exploring the concept of human/AI collaboration using Fjord’s AI Idea Matrix method while showcasing a framework designed around human senses/capabilities will help to facilitate a better understanding. Delivering this material through a series of practical activities and micro-lectures, Connor and Anna will show participants how AI can be applied to business challenges as a means to relieve pain points and create real value. Making this workshop even more compelling will be the showcasing of Fjord's very own AI-powered services, coupled with very real-world projects in action.
AI is a continually developing technology that most assuredly relies on the human touch to support its evolution. Find out how to turn this seeming foe into a highly collaborative colleague by joining this conference today!
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