23 Touchpoint articles in this issue
Touchpoint overview

From the editors
From the early 1990s, Design Thinking has sought to shake up traditional ways of doing business, and foster innovation through creativity and applying a designer’s mindset to business challenges.
Service Design Global Conference

As this issue of Touchpoint goes to press, the finishing touches are being put on the 2016 edition of the SDN’s Global Conference in Amsterdam.

In Between Thinking And Doing
A few years ago, one of my best friends bought me a poster. It arrived in a large envelope, folded up into quarters.
Cross Discipline

How to Build Trust: The vital ingredient for intelligent services
Services are increasingly being automated through artificial intelligence (AI) components. To ensure customer acceptance it is vital that people trust the AI.
Cross Discipline

Increasing the Success of Service Design Implementation
When it comes to implementing service design projects, designers face significant challenges.
Cross Discipline

Moving Beyond Servicescapes
Design fields are undergoing rapid transformation and the boundaries between the disciplines are getting more and more blurry.

In a World of Products, Service is King
Products are easy to copy and they inevitably embark, from the moment they are launched, on a path towards commoditisation.

Service Design Innovates Welfare Services from the Inside
Imagine individuals, especially non-designers, who are deeply involved in envisioning and testing ideas.
Reinventing from Within
This story is about the transformational journey of Telekom Deutschland GmbH (Deutsche Telekom) as it moves towards having a more customer-centric DNA.

Design Doing
Innovation strategies in today’s organisations are increasingly taking advantage of approaches which are typical of the design field, applying them to a range of areas such as management, policymaking and social engagement.

Transitioning Design Ownership
This is a case study about organisational change: people transformation, organisational culture and redefining internal processes through a co-implemented project grounded in service Design Thinking.

Deconstructing Experiences
With the advent of 3D computer modeling technology, the world of architecture was transformed as designers were freed from the confines of Euclidean geometry and were able to think through complex forms on a screen,[...]

Design Within Organisations Needs Sustained Thinking and Doing
Great service design is all about designing a service so it is useful and desirable to customers, while also making sure the service is both usable and used during and after its introduction.

The Evolution of Innovation Labs
The call for innovation in large companies is heard around the world today.
Tools and Methods

Services that Know
Welcome to the age of the algorithm-native. In return for their data, consumers expect brands and their services to be using their information wisely.
Tools and Methods

Improving the Beijing Talent Archives Center
Countries around the world are moving towards service-oriented models as they carry out administrative reforms. As government reform in China deepens, the Chinese government has proposed the concept of ‘service-oriented government’.
Education and Research

Stop Designing Services
In the counter-intuitive world of service-dominant logic, there are no services, all economies are service economies, and ‘value’ cannot be delivered.
Education and Research

Object as a Stakeholder in Service Design
Climate change has emerged as one of the most significant global issues in a long time. Industry experts have been making many efforts to resolve it from a variety of angles. The service design discipline is not an exception.

Not the Usual (Service Design) Suspects
Dutch bank ING has been recognised recently for its innovative approach, both with its banking app, and for the radical internal transformation it underwent in 2015. – Visit the Community Knowledge section of our site to read this specially-selected article for free.
Inside SDN

A Day Solely for Service Design
It usually takes a day - and sometimes less - to capture a feeling of belonging for something and to begin to love it.
Inside SDN

First SDN UK National Conference: A Success
June 30th 2016 saw the first SDN UK National Conference take place in London, hosted by the SDN UK Chapter. It was an exciting opportunity to bring the SDN to the UK, where there is so much service design activity and application.
Inside SDN

‘2016 Global Service Design & Innovation Forum’ in Shenzhen, China
The ‘2016 Global Service Design & Innovation Forum’ was held in Shenzhen, China on 15 May 2016.
Inside SDN

Service Design Award 2016
The call for the 2016 edition of the Service Design Award was announced on February 1st this year, and closed during the past summer.