How to make better use of our knowledge and experience in implementing policy in actual policy making, combined with how to achieve optimum societal impact with relatively limited public resources, are key challenges we face today.

Although the government is responsible for public services, a public service is not necessarily provided by the government alone. In many services, government is a player, partner and not necessarily the principal provider. Policy implementation is continually changing and becoming more complex due to the fact that more and more players are involved. While governments have to make markets thrive, entrepreneurs make them come alive. The challenge of implementing policy then becomes the opportunity to partner with commercial enterprises, academics and non-profit organisations in such a way that private profits and public good reinforce each other in a virtuous cycle.

The Service Design Impact Report is available for free to both SDN members and non-members.


The Service Design Impact Report gives a broad overview on service design driven activities in governments and public service organisations all over the world. The report shows how strong the role of design in the public sector has become and how impactful it can be. At the same time it gives insights in many opportunities yet to exploit.

Become an SDN member to download the digital copy for free. Printed copies are available for €14.85 for SDN members (25% off) and €19.80 for non-members.

"We are delighted that the Service Design Network has gathered the experiences of various international organisations which it shares in this report. In order to be a leading government public service, it is important for us to learn from, and cooperate with, others who like us wish to enhance our public services and increase the impact of these services on our society."

- Harmen Harmsma, General Director of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency


Take a sneakpeek here:

Softback: 109 pages
Publisher: Service Design Network (October, 2016)
Language: English
ISSN: 1868-6052
Dimensions: 210 x 150 x 10 mm
PDF Price: €0.00


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* We thank the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland for their friendly support.


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