Touchpoint Anniversary Collection

Touchpoint entered its tenth year of publication, having first been published in early 2009. To celebrate this significant milestone, we are happy to offer a limited Anniversary Collection pack, including 22 Touchpoint issues for the special discounted price of 200€ plus shipping costs (EU 24,50€ / Rest of the world 49,00€).

* Shipping costs: EU 24,50€ / Rest of the world 49,00€.
* Shipping costs: EU 24,50€ / Rest of the world 49,00€.

Take on this opportunity to fill your personal or corporate library with 10 years of in-depth articles relevant to service design, written by many authors from around the world.

To order your Collection, please contact us including the information below:

- Your full name and/or company name
- Invoice address 
- Shipping address 
- VAT number (optional) 
- Any reference you may need like PO number, division, names
- Full name and email address to whom the invoice should be sent

Issues not included in this pack are sold out and can be purchased in digital format at our website: Vol. 1 No. 1, Vol. 1 No. 2, Vol. 7 No 2, Vol. 7 No. 3, Vol. 8 No. 1, Vol. 9 No.1, Vol. 9 No. 2.

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