About Federico Di Fresco

Federico Di Fresco
f | Denmark

Service Designer // I help you understand people, their context and to strategically co-design experiences and solutions they love

Federico Di Fresco WS Audiology, Senior Service Designer

Service designer with 10+ years of experience as a design strategist, user researcher and user experience designer (UX designer).

Strong expertise in human-centred methodology for developing solutions from ideation to implementation. 

Adept at conducting user research, facilitating the creative process in collaboration with stakeholders across teams, and crafting product services that people love.

Structured with design methods while creative designing product-service solutions that meet customers’ desires, what is viable for business and feasible with the available technology. Focus on systemic, transparent, and responsible design solutions.

Some examples include:

- As Design Strategist and Service Systems Designer at Chainge ApS I designed a data collection system to overview and administrate cargo-bike fleet maintenance.

- As part of Gehl Architects’ R&D team I explored and adapted service design tools and methods to facilitate soundscape thinking for city makers in order to build healthier sound environments for people in cities. Designed a toolkit as a shared vocabulary to research, map and sketch the experiential opportunities of the sound environment of a place from a human-centred perspective.

- As Project Assistant in The Urban Belonging Project, I took part in: planning participatory processes and community engagement, facilitating workshops and preparing workshops material, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, Map making and data visualisation, and creating a video to describe the project.

I get excited about opportunities where I can help design strategies by understanding people and their context with qualitative and quantitative data in order to address their needs. 

Design Strategy, Service Design, User Experience (UX) Design, User Research, Workshop Facilitation, Prototyping, Collaborative Process, Q&Q Research

To me, service design means...

To make inform decision, test them, learn from experience & repeat.

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