This book introduces an emerging domain of design research that is of immense interest today, not only to the academic design research community but also to design practitioners and to those in the business community charged with the development of human-centred products, systems, services and/or environments. 

Generative design research is an approach to bring the people we serve through design directly into the design process to ensure that we can meet their needs and dreams for the  future. The first part of the book covers the underlying principles of generative design research, the second part presents cases  and the third part is the how-to section. Throughout the book, 50 contributions from various people in the field which show how  the techniques are used across disciplines. The primary users of the book are university students in a different departments such as design, psychology, marketing, business, communications etc. It is also aimed at research practitioners and practicing designers.

BIS Publishers
BIS Publishers - Elizabeth Sanders & Pieter Jan Stappers

Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: BIS Publishers (January, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN: 978 90 6369 284 1
Dimensions: 230 x 175 mm

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