18 Touchpoint articles in this issue

Touchpoint overview

Feature From the Editors

From the Editors

Isn’t life always centred around influencing the behaviour of other people?

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Feature Where ‘outside in’ meets ‘inside out’

Where ‘outside in’ meets ‘inside out’

There appears to be a new design industry self-evaluation in progress with practitioners, academic institutions and students questioning themselves about what to do next, what direction to take and what new value they can add to organisations.

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Feature Designing Motivation or Motivating Design? Exploring Service Design, motivation and behavioural change

Designing Motivation or Motivating Design? Exploring Service Design, motivation and behavioural change

Motivation researcher Edward Deci has suggested that if we want behavioural change to be sustainable, we have to move past thinking of motivation (...)

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Feature On the Design of Standard and Relational Service Encounters

On the Design of Standard and Relational Service Encounters

Face-to-face interaction between providers and clients is one of the marked characteristics of service production.

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Feature Research in Practice

Research in Practice

Design influences behaviour, whether it’s planned or not.

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Feature Imagining Behavioural Change: Service touchpoints to impact our carbon footprint

Imagining Behavioural Change: Service touchpoints to impact our carbon footprint

Experientia describes some of the behavioural change concepts that were part of the C-LiFE team’s winning competition entry to build a low-to-no carbon district in Helsinki.

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Feature Charging Up

Charging Up

Charging Up is an international study of people’s practices and motivations in relation to everyday usage of energy in households.

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Feature Re-defining Comfort

Re-defining Comfort

Future projections of increased stress on the power grid in the United States have forced utility companies to come to terms with the fact that sooner than later, there must be efforts to encourage behavioural change in households.

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Feature Rethinking behaviours

Rethinking behaviours

How can we promote more sustainable behaviours? How can design encourage and support the different phases of behavioural change?

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Feature Look Outside the Box

Look Outside the Box

Despite clear evidence of a positive health effect of physical activity the practical implementation of an active lifestyle is hard for many people.

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Feature Designing Behaviours for Health

Designing Behaviours for Health

Designing behaviours for healthier living is a people-centred approach that starts with a perspective of helping people learn new behaviours rather than trying to change them.

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Feature What Service Designers Can Learn From Policy Designers

What Service Designers Can Learn From Policy Designers

Successful implementation of evidence-based healthcare policy is a function of three core elements – the level and nature of the evidence, the context or environment into which the policy is to be placed and the method or way in which the implementation is facilitated.

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Cross Discipline Design and Behaviour in Complex B2B Service Engagements

Design and Behaviour in Complex B2B Service Engagements

Complex business-to-business (B2B) technology services challenge us to consider the impact of design on aspects of human behaviour on a number of levels. B2B services often encompass multiple lines of business, involve hundreds of participants and entail months if not years of effort.

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Cross Discipline Service Design Meets Social Marketing

Service Design Meets Social Marketing

Reforming public sector services and reducing inequalities in UK society have been two of the Labour Government’s main agendas since it came to power in 1997.

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Cross Discipline Unearthing Action Catalysts in Community Development and Design

Unearthing Action Catalysts in Community Development and Design

Design for a local context prompts for an intimate understanding of and interaction with community-level relationships.

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Cross Discipline Mobile Ethnography

Mobile Ethnography

The competitiveness of any product or service ultimately depends on its customer satisfaction.

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Cross Discipline The Music of Service

The Music of Service

Specifying services can be challenging, as part of the design often needs to be left open.

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Profiles Customer Profile

Customer Profile

Keith is a 32 year old American events coordinator living in New York City.

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