25 Touchpoint articles in this issue
Touchpoint overview

From the Editors
In recent years, Service Design has established an amazing body of knowledge, a large variety of relevant methods and many case studies that show the application and the impact of Service Design.

Confessions of a Service Design Researcher
Design research is an implicit and inseparable aspect of Service Design. But as ever, designers like to do things their own way and this includes the way they do research.

How Sticky Research drives Service Design
»Anna has just arrived home. Her dogs lie flat-out on the floor, recovering from a few hours of running in the woods outside of Berlin, and Anna is getting ready to cook herself some dinner.

Service-dominant logic and design for service
Recent work on services in management provides an important resource for developing knowledge about design for service.

Deep co-creation – deep challenges?
This paper presents some of the experiences and lessons learned in the User Driven Open Innovation Booster research project (UDOI Booster) funded by the Finnish Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes).

Locative narratives as experience
Location-aware narratives are becoming more commonplace, both in the form of artistic installations and commercial systems.

Service Design 2020
You are a Service Designer. You are miraculously selected for the first manned space flight to Pluto, which is a 10 to 20 year round trip. What will the world be like when you return?

Workshop Insights
The workshop started out with actual failed projects that workshop participants have experienced. Through a series of co-creative tasks they went from failure stories and strategies for dealing with failures to archetypical failures.

Make yourself useful
Designers have a role to play in addressing business – and social challenges beyond the design of individual products and services.

Do you really need that iPhone App?
Ways to evolve services in a changing technology environment

Mind your own Business
Data is the new oil and the money is in refining it to create valuable services that customers cannot live without. In this article, Ben Reason from live|work shows how creating service that meet the real needs of business customers can help you get the most from your data.

Exploring healthcare
In August 2008, three different groups came together to undertake an experiment.Carnegie Mellon University’s (CMU) School of Design brought experience researching and teaching about Service Design, as well as a group of students looking to get their feet wet.

Service Design put to the test
Western Finland Design Centre MUOVA and Hanken School of Business put Service Design to the test in a two-year research project, Desire, which studied how market-oriented Service Design renews innovation processes.

Workshop Selling Service Design
This workshop was a facilitated session on selling Service Design to and within organisations.

Service Design and behavioural change
The academic activity relating to behaviour normally lies with psychologists, sociologists or pedagogues from various disciplines, each of whom represent different models of understanding behaviour and how to influence it.

Motivating employees
Consumer-driven insights. On-point strategy. Impeccable execution. A rich brand experience. And millions of advertising dollars to drive customers to the business. This sounds like a winning combination, right?

Creating tribal affiliation
As humans, the drive to connect with others is a powerful force. Of all the years spent on research to understanding tribal affiliation, inclusion, identity, and shared cohesion, it’s only recently that businesses have taken notice.

Key principles of how to make Service Design stick in health
With predictions of a £20 billion funding gap in the NHS’s annual spending from 2011, it is argued that at no other time in its history has the NHS needed innovation for service delivery as much as it does now.
Workshop Insights Design Thinking
Hands on Service Design challenge using Design Thinking principles as a point of view.
Cross Discipline

The rise of smart services in business
How to build an intelligent business with the co-design of Service Design and Service Engineering
Cross Discipline

Practice of Service Design for tourism initiative
This article aims at bringing the approach of Service Design to the practices of tourism services in order to highlight the potential of the dialogue between these two fields of knowledge.
Cross Discipline

Performing Arts and Service Design
The relationship between performing arts and services is not a new topic in academic discussions. Grove and Fisk (1983) pointed out the theatrical nature of services in their services theatre framework.
Cross Discipline

Designing for the masses
Recent statistics show that 99% of all enterprises in the EU are Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs).
Cross Discipline

Workshop Insights
The workshop explored how different disciplines can collaborate to design successful solutions to social challenges.

Service Design Competition 2009
An interview with Nuno Laginha, winner of the SDN Service Design Competition 2009.