Service Design Award 2019 - 5 years of celebrating service design excellence!

Service Design Award, founded by the Service Design Network in 2015, is the most prestigious award honouring service design excellence from around the world. This year we are celebrating our fifth anniversary and we are proud of our previous winners and finalists who helped us to stay true in our vision to make service design the new normal.

Higlight your great work

We are pleased to welcome award submissions from professionals and students eager to share the valuable contributions they have made to further the practice of service design. Interested candidates may submit their work under one of the following three categories:

  • Professional Commercial
  • Professional Non-profit / Public Sector
  • Student

All completed entries will be evaluated by an international jury of service design experts and judged based on established benchmarks of world-class service design. The entry platform will be live to register and update your submission until June 7, 2019.

Gain international recognition

Winners and finalists will be recognised during our annual Service Design Global Conference (SDGC19) taking place in Toronto from October 10-11, 2019. An exclusive 2-day exhibition of all short-listed finalists work culminates in a winner's circle on-stage, and Pecha Kucha style presentation to an audiance of over a 800 professionals.

Want to know why you should enter? Find out more about the award and the excellent benefits of being a winner or finalist here.

Submit now!

Finalists exhibition at SDGC18
Finalists exhibition at SDGC18


Check out the latest Podcast episode with one of the last year's winners of SDN's Service Design Award! Fjord and West Midland Police, worked together in developing a transformational programme that helped the UK-based force meet current and future policing needs, manage citizen expectations and reduce cost across its operations.

Don't delay submit your project today! We are excited to receive your project submissions! 

For all questions and suggestions contact us via:

Useful links:

Service Design Award 2018 Winners
Service Design Award 2018 Winners

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SDN Chapters Service Design Award 2019 How to enter(応募要項)

Service Design Award 2019 How to enter(応募要項)


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SDN Chapters Service Design Award 2019

Service Design Award 2019

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