Chapter events - United States

How are you taking care of yourself during this time? Hopefully you are treating yourself to laughter when you can.

We are excited to host our first breakout rooms event with Vandad from Humor that Works! It will be an initial step in bringing interactivity back to community members through our new favorite platform Zoom :) More to come on this...

The average person sends and receives 112 emails, texts, and snapchats per day and spends 80% of their living life in some form of communication. Just because we communicate frequently does not mean we do it well. This session will help improve your communication skills, confidence when communicating difficult topics and allow you to practice the skill of humor.

About the Speaker

Vandad is the Director of Client Training at Humor That Works. He studied Organizational Psychology and wrote his Masters thesis on humor in the workplace, which allowed him to re-watch Seinfeld episodes and study George Costanza as 'data research'. Totally unrelated, he is undefeated in pushup competitions in the office.

Find Vandad on LinkedIn:

About Humor That Works

Humor That Works was created in 2009 with the mission to train people how to use humor to get better results and enjoy their work more. Humor That Works has worked with over 40,000 people from over 250 organizations, like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, ESPN, and the International Association of Canine Professionals. We've published 2 best-selling books and our TEDx talk has been viewed more than 6 times... more than 6 million times, actually. ;)

Loose Agenda

6:00 ~ 6:10 Introductions, Housekeeping

6:10 ~ 6:40 Mastering Office Communications

6:40 ~ 7:10 Interactive Exercises

7:10 ~ 7:40 Discussion, Q&A

See you online :)

Kathleen, Natalie, Antonio