The event was an unqualified success. All spots were filled quickly and there were no usual no-shows. After an interesting company presentation by KONE Corporation, the participants representing many different kinds of service business organisations were able to hear a lively panel of KONE’s in-house SD team’s experiences. Current topics about in-house SD competence and team building were further discussed in small workshops.
For some time already, SDN has been reaching out to businesses to build a stronger SDN community. The first SDN Business MeetUp took place at KONE’s headquarters in Espoo, Finland on April 20, hosted by KONE and SDN Finland. The initiative of building a supportive SDN business community was taken by KONE’s Paula Bello and Nordea’s Taina Mäkijärvi, who met at the global SDN conference in Stockholm.
Taina Mäkijärvi from Nordea, the largest financial services group in Northern Europe, is looking forward to hosting the next BMU event in November: “I am curious to hear how other companies are applying service design.This is a great way to create a supportive and friendly peer network without fear of competition or being pushed by the agencies. And, of course, I am always looking forward to learning something new.
This article was written by Tarja Chydenius, a senior lecturer at Laurea University of Applied Sciences and a chapter representative in the international SDN management board. If you are part of a company that would be interested in hosting one of the MeetUps, don’t hesitate to contact the local chapter or send us an email:
info@service-design-network.orgWe are very eager to support this exciting development of SDN Business MeetUps all around the world!
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