Chapter events - United States

Service Design DC is pleased to host our first-ever virtual event. We designed our evening of connection with you in mind. The agenda will be developed real-time with participants.

Service Design Community – we miss you! While we’ve all been Zooming into meetings, attending virtual happy hours, and showcasing our fur babies, we believe people (you!) want to continue the dialogue on Service Design – maybe now more than ever.

To that end, Service Design DC is pleased to host our first-ever virtual event. We designed our evening of connection with you in mind. The agenda will be developed real-time with participants deciding the event topics, followed by breakout rooms for discussion. This concept is adapted from Open Space Technology sessions (we've included a link at the bottom of this description, if you would like to learn more about Open Space Technology).

Because of the nature of the Open Space Technology format, we are limiting this event to the first 30 people to register.

Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link giving you access to the meeting. You will need to download Zoom, in advance.

We look forward to seeing you virtually, until we meet (in-person) again…


Iliana Alvarado is excited to lead this event as an experienced facilitator and designer of kick-ass meetings. She has led groups large, small, far, and wide to make meaning of the world in which we work and play. Connect with her on LinkedIn ( to exchange knowledge on people dynamics, innovation, and human-centered design.

Read more about Open Space Technology here: