Chapter events - China

MOFCOM,MOF and GAC have jointly issued the "Catalogue for Key Development Areas of Service Outsourcing Industry (2018 edition)" and Service Design Service is included in this Catalogue.

In order to implement the spirit of the 19th CNC National Congress on "cultivating a new format and model of trade", respond the request of the "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Accelerated Development of the Service Outsourcing Industry”, issued by the State Council in 2014 (2014 Opinions) on "Regularly Publishing the Catalogue for Key Development Areas in the Service Outsourcing Industry" and clarify the development orientation of the service outsourcing industry. the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the General Administration of Customs (GAC) have jointly issued the "Catalogue for Key Development Areas of Service Outsourcing Industry (2018 edition)" based on the 2016 edition. And Service Design Service is included in this Catalogue.


The news from Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China
The news from Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

Service Design Service


  • Definition & Scope: Service Design Service is an user-centered design action required collaboration with multi stakeholders to achieve system innovation in service provision, processes, and touchpoints through the integration of innovations in personnel, environment, facilities, and information, to enhance service experience, efficiency, and value. Service Design Service belongs to Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO). 
  • 定义和范围:服务设计服务是以用户为中心、协同多方利益相关者,通过人员、环境、设施、信息等要素创新的综合集成,实现服务提供、流程、触点的系统创新,从而提升服务体验、效率和价值的设计活动。服务设计服务属于知识流程外包(KPO)。 

  • Main business type: Service Model Design & Business Model Design. 
  • 主要业务类型:主要包括服务模式设计、商业模式设计2个业务类型。 

  • Main application areas: Focus on the four national economy industries, including wholesale and retail, culture, sports and entertainment, accommodation and catering, leasing and business services. 
  • 主要应用领域:重点面向批发和零售业,文化、体育和娱乐业,住宿和餐饮业,租赁和商务服务业等4个国民经济行业。 

From the industrial age to the Internet age, the way people live and behave is changing dramatically. According to the report of the 19th CNC National Congress, the main contradictions in Chinese society have been transformed into contradictions between the people’s growing needs for a better life and the inadequacy and imbalance of development. The reason for this contradiction is ultimately the imbalance and inadequacy of design development. With the development of human needs and the market, the extension of industrial manufacturing to the service is unstoppable. The emergence of the Internet and highly intelligent technology has shown the possibility to turned over the industrial’s dependence from natural resources to intellectual resources, shift the industrial paradigm from traditional manufacturing thinking to service thinking, therefore the service design showed up. The thinking of service design has greatly expanded the field of traditional design. From product and service to marketing, in all aspects of the industry chain, even in public service, higher level management and mechanism innovation, service design plays a key role. At the same time, the globalization of design development and competition has also promoted the international level of import and export design services trade. With the expansion and opening up and the trend of globalization, the development of service design is inevitable.


Service design promotes the optimization and upgrading of domestic services. For example, in the field of tourism reception services, the company is gradually moving from extensive management to standardization process, but it is far from being refined, humanized and digitally responded. Tourists, especially foreign passengers, are in the process of receiving services. It is difficult to get a pleasing and enjoyable experience in the process of shopping, dining, hotel accommodation, entertainment in the tourist destinations. This leaves considerable room for the service design to play its role.


The localization of foreign models relies on service redesign. China has a strong advantage in model innovation. In the field of smart travel and sharing economy, Didi, Mobike, and Meituan have already taken the lead in the international arena. These emerging companies are increasing their overseas layout and expansion. This kind of company can precisely promote the export of products through service trade. It can provide real-time services for local users through online travel platforms integrating car products and connecting local taxi companies and individual drivers. This model migration requires the redesign of certain processes or application interfaces to meet the user's consumption characteristics of the local country, combined with local application scenarios and specific cultural needs.
