Chapter events - Ireland

Celebrating Service Design Day with a special screening and panel discussion

Service Design Day was launched in 2016 and is a day dedicated to service design enthusiasts - a world-wide event to bring together people from different backgrounds and disciplines. We, at the SDN Ireland chapter, wanted to do something special this year for Service Design Day and we are very excited to be screening Circuits of Care, a film by David Prendergast.

Continuing our exploration of ageing, and the design of a more inclusive society, “Circuits of Care” examines the subject of ageing, and the robotics technologies that are part of the approach to support an ageing population in Japan.

David will be joining us after the screening for a panel discussion alongside Film Producer Naonori Kodate and Linzi Ryan, Assistant Professor in Design Innovation at Maynooth.


		Service Design Day: Circuits of Care Screening & Panel Discussion image
David Prendergast
David Prendergast - Professor of Science, Technology and Society at Maynooth University

David Prendergast is a social anthropologist and Professor of Science, Technology and Society at Maynooth University in Ireland. Previously David worked at Intel where he was a Principal Investigator at the ‘Technology Research for Independent Living Centre’ and co-founder of the ‘Intel Institute for Sustainable Connected Cities’. He has also served as Visiting Professor of Healthcare Innovation at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Trinity College Dublin. His latest book ‘Aging and the Digital Life Course’ was named a CHOICE ‘Outstanding Academic Title’ by the American Library Association and was described as one of ‘the two most fascinating books on aging in the 21st Century’ by the Huffington Post.

Naonori Kodate
Naonori Kodate - Associate Professor in Social Policy, University College Dublin

Naonori Kodate is Associate Professor in Social Policy, University College Dublin and the founding Director of UCD Centre for Japanese Studies. He was previously Research Associate at NIHR King's Patient Safety and Service Quality Research Centre, UK, and is currently affiliated with la Fondation France-Japon de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He is the Principal Investigator of an international research project "Harmonisation towards the establishment of Person-centred, Robotics-aided Care System (HARP)", working with teams in Ireland, Japan, Hong Kong and France. His recent publications include: ‘Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? (Technology in Society)’ and ‘Home-care robots - attitudes and perceptions among older people, carers and care professionals in Ireland (Health and Social Care in the Community)’.

Dr Linda Ryan
Dr Linda Ryan - Associate professor and director of Postgraduate Studies in the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University

Dr Linda Ryan is an associate professor and director of Postgraduate Studies in the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University. Her research interests are in user-centred design in a broad range of areas such as culture transition, service reform, entrepreneurship and enterprise development, public health service reform and addressing large-scale societal issues. Prior to joining Maynooth University, she was a Business Development Engineer in the Precision Engineering and Materials (PEM) Technology Gateway, facilitating research between industry and academia; and the lead PI on the Designing Services for Alzheimers project which aimed to permanent reform of dementia care services in the North West. She earned her Ph.D. in the area of Product Service Systems, transitioning organisational culture from product to service-orientated.