About Jane Vita

Jane Vita
Helsinki | Finland


Jane is passionate about... design and culture, service design methodologies, service design thinking, innovation, design education, user experience, prototyping, service delivery, trends, expert interviews, benchmarking, storyboard, workshop, digital service and user journey

Jane Vita Zurich, Design Lead

I’m from Brazil, from a city called Curitiba, if you know Sao Paulo, the city is located eight hours by car and a 40min flight towards the South. Curitiba is the 8th most populous city in Brazil. It is known for its ecological attitude and public transportation. 

I also have a long life story with Helsinki and Vancouver. In Helsinki, I had two of my three kids and also where I met my Brazilian husband (before anyone asks me if he is Finn); I live in Helsinki and spent 12 years of my life here. As you probably know, Santa Claus lives a little bit up north from here, and we have his phone; when the kids are not behaving, we call him. 


I also lived for about three years in Vancouver, British Columbia in, Canada; there, I had the opportunity to grow my career and expand my views towards Design offering, talent well-being and design competence development. 


About my work experience,

I have over 20 years of experience in Design, from Visual communication to Digital Strategy, Innovation and CX culture transformation. I graduated in Industrial Design but focused on Graphic Design. I also completed two master’s one in Web Design and another in Service Innovation and Design.

In my previous roles, I work as a consultant for Fjord, Futurice and Digitalist. I had the opportunity to work in a variety of industries and countries with other Insurance organisations such as Porto Seguro, OP group, Pacific Blue Cross and Fennia. And some great brands such as Nakia, Skype, BBC, Fortum, Volvo, BMW, Safmarine, MarcoPolo, Rovio, YIT, Finning and Swarovski. 

I also have a parallel career as a teacher; at Aalto, I give a course which calls Designing Services with emerging technologies, previously at Laurea for the Master’s program, I gave a lecture on Service Design in Digital Context; and at the PuCDigital; in Portuguese, Design Thinking, for culture organisational transformation. And once every two months, I support the Geist Institute, where I’m a co-founder, facilitating dialogues on transdisciplinary topics and writing insights for publications.

To me, service design means...

To apply a holistic design thinking approach oriented to create delightful customer-centric service experiences in the digital or physical realm. It is also an effective way to bridge innovation, research, management and design."

Jane’s contributions

How to contribute
Touchpoint Article Meeting Service Sandbox

Meeting Service Sandbox

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Touchpoint Article Uplifting Service Culture in Large Organisations

Uplifting Service Culture in Large Organisations

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