Daniele Catalanotto
Author - Daniele Catalanotto

The Service Design Conference in Amsterdam is now finished. You can prepare yourself for the next one. But why should you come?

How you feel during the conference
How you feel during the conference
During these two day last days I had the chance to talk to several of the Service Designers who attended the conference. Several explained how important it is to come to such an event. Service Design is a quiet discrete or totally unknown field in many parts of the world. There are plenty of such professionals working without seeing the big community of like minded people. While chatting with Anastasia Linn, a student in Design Management she explained to me that her key takeaway of this conference was that she felt reassured about her educational choice. By seeing the different projects, the different huge companies like Google, tomtom, Spotify doing something like she is studying she knew that her path isn’t wrong. 
It's now obvious that I'm on the right path
It's now obvious that I'm on the right path - Anastasia Linn
During another conversation with the two girls from Twisted Studio, a company working for the non profit sector, we noticed how good it felt to see companies like Google and Spotify go through the same problems, using the same tools as us.
In a way, conferences like the Global Service Design Conference are a place where you get feedback from the community that what you are doing isn’t stupid. These kinds of conferences help overcome our little impostor syndrome. So thanks a lot to the organizers of this conference for making us feel a bit less stupid.
Daniele Catalanotto
Daniele Catalanotto - Design Strategist

Daniele Catalanotto is a not too stupid Service designer who believes that helping others is the nicest thing in the world.

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