19 Touchpoint articles in this issue
Touchpoint overview

From the Editors
“The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it” — Maimonides (12th century scholar and physician)

Humanising Healthcare Through Hands, Heads, and Hearts
The following should not be news to you, but it’s sometimes easy to forget: Patients aren’t just lines in a spreadsheet, records in a CRM system, or the list of ailments in their medical records. They are people.
Cross Discipline

Health Matters: Reframing Design in Community Health Interventions
Garden on the Go® is an obesity-prevention effort initiated by Indiana University Health. This year-round, mobile, produce-delivery program provides fresh, affordable vegetables and fruit to Indianapolis neighbourhoods in need.

Going all the Way
How do service designers keep their concepts intact while moving from a strategic level to implementation? This article describes the key factors that made it possible to enact large strategic changes in a conservative field.

Community Intergenerational Mutual Assistance around Breakfast
With the accelerating pace of life and rising work pressure, a growing number of Chinese citizens are confronted with health issues. The patients suffering from chronic diseases and cancer tend to be younger, which is especially obvious in the larger cities in China.

Using Patient Insights to Design Future Health Solutions
Today, patients have more information than ever before about their diseases and treatment options. Think about the wealth of data on the online community PatientsLikeMe, where more than 220,000 patients share their stories about over 2,000 conditions and Patient.co.uk, which has 16 million visits each month.

What Do the Remote Mountain Villagers Need?
A typical phenomenon for many rural villages in southwest China is that young adults have moved into town to seek higher income jobs, leaving their aged parents and children behind. This change in family structure has caused far-reaching effects to all aspects of village life.

Behavioural Change Through Co-Creation
Many young people are today suffering from ‘physical activity allergy’, a condition that is proliferating due to new digital lifestyles. The media refer to sedentary lifestyles as ‘the new smoking’, which is having disastrous effects on our health. Hence, there is an urgent need for targeted research into interventions that promote physical activity.

'5% Design Action': Cancer Screening Service Innovation in Taiwan
Public health service is a complex and highly specialised discipline, which has made it a tough nut to crack in terms of effective service design.

Exciting times to be in healthcare
Across the world, there is a realisation and understanding that existing healthcare systems will not deliver what the future requires.

Backpack Plus: A comprehensive toolkit to empower community health workers
Community health workers (CHWs) are often referred to as the ‘last mile’ of healthcare delivery in resource-challenged communities around the globe, but while their impact and value has been widely proven, their crucial role is still often questioned by the larger healthcare system.

Human-Centered Mental Wellness: Discovering touchpoints before a service encounter
North American universities have proactively supported student mental wellness, to facilitate their educational mission to successful graduation.

Designing for a Child’s Experience of Clinical Rounds: A Participatory Design Challenge
In the life of a hospitalised child, each day brings different challenges, hopes and fears. However, once a day, something unique happens: a team of physicians, residents, medical students, nurses and specialists visit the child’s room.

Service Design for the Other 98 %
M4ID is a Helsinki-based social enterprise whose mission is to reduce social inequalities and improve access to health care in low-resource settings through innovative communication and service design.
Tools and Methods

Differentiating Touchpoint Experiences the Cheap-and-Cheerful Way
For most organisations, designing touchpoint experiences that resonate with customers and communicate their brand is a costly endeavour. Yet, differentiation does not necessarily have to be expensive.
Tools and Methods

Capture User Experiences as They Happen
The advent of mobile research provides radical new opportunities in the field of user research. Smartphones allow us to capture data that is both real-time richer in content, bringing us closer to the moments when and where experiences actually happen.
Education and Research

Learning to Look: Design in Health Services Research
You can find a home for service design in existing research in health, if you know where to look.
Education and Research

Shaping a New Service Design Programme
The growing interest in service design calls for specific education programs, at a moment in which the framework for the discipline itself is still under construction.

Geke van Dijk and Bas Raijmakers Interview
In this issue, editor Jesse Grimes interviews Geke van Dijk and Bas Rainmakers and learns about their involvement in service design networks, their Anglo-dutch company STBY, and design research.