Top Ten Ways to Fight the Post SDGC19 Conference Blues

Tips and tricks on keeping the momentum of SDGC19 alive!

SDGC19 is over, but that does not mean that the excitement and energy you took away from our event need end there. We at the SDN thought it might help if we compiled a Top Ten List of some easy and effective ways to keep the momentum going while ensuring the great insights, knowledge and connections you secured stay top-of-mind!  

1. Organise a meet-up to regroup on all the great things you learned and to showcase some of your favourite SDGC19 videos.

The SDN is fortunate to have 40+ SDN Chapters around the globe who are committed to growing the service design sector in their region. Use your next chapter meet-up to recap the exciting experiences you had during the conference by screening an assortment of our video presentations. This is a great way to enable SDGC19 attendees to revisit important insights while bringing the conference experience directly to those who were unable to attend! (P.S. exclusive, limited-release of our conference videos for members-only coming soon.) 

2. Begin following your favourite presenter(s) on Twitter.

With so many great speakers presenting at this year’s SDGC19, we can imagine it’s a challenge to simply pick only one to follow. So by all means, don’t stop there! Use Twitter to stay connected to these influential leaders and keep your learning alive.   

3. Take-away inspiration from our 2019 Service Design Award Winners.

So many impressive projects were submitted for our 2019 annual award that it was a challenging task for our judges to select the winners. This means our champions  are quite frankly “the best of the best.” Gain valuable intelligence and best practice approach by taking a deep dive into the individuals and organisations that took home gold.

4. Choose one new SDGC19 business contact and send them a note about what you are working on and ask for their insights.

One of the best ways to expand your connections is to utilise our conference as a platform to network with practitioners from around the world. Don’t let those business cards you assembled simply collect dust on your desk. Reaching out to new contacts is an effective way to create opportunities for you and your business to grow. 

5. Dive deep into the latest issue of Touchpoint Vol. 11 No. 2: Experience Prototyping.

The most recent issue of Touchpoint, which launched during SDGC19, takes a dive into all-things prototyping. Sitting deep in the service designer’s DNA, prototyping is a key tool in your arsenal, offering real-world insights and experiences that can effectively enhance your work. Consider Touchpoint to be an essential resource in helping you develop your practice. Pick-up the latest edition today.


6. Write a Medium blog about your conference experience.

As of 2017, Medium registered over 60 million monthly visitors to its site. We in the service design industry see this platform as a go-to-source for professionals looking to communicate their thoughts and ideas regarding the ever-evolving nature of our industry. Be one of them. Share your thinking regarding SDGC19 and ignite excitement, interest and conversation around those topics that most interest you. Oh and while you are there, be sure to check-out the SDN channel which is loaded with intersting insights. 

7. Submit a case study to the SDN Case Study Library.

The SDN Case Study Library has been a valuable resource for our members to learn about the exciting service design projects being activated worldwide. We are pleased to have relaunched the library back in August 2019 to make it more compelling, intuitive and user-friendly and believe today would be the perfect time for you to share your work/rsesults with the engaged SDN community.  

8. Start a conversation on the SDN Slack channel.

If you have not signed up to the SDN Slack Channel as of yet, you are most assuredly missing out. This is one of the most popular channels for our community to come together to chat about what's on their minds, ask questions, provide answers and stand as a voice within the the industry. Be a part of the conversation and join today.

9. Share SDGC19 presentations with your colleagues, associates and partners. 

Take advantage of your unlimited access to the compelling presentations from our line-up of thought-leaders who helped make SDGC19 one of our best conferences to date. Share these presentations during your next team meeting and spread their powerful message.

Add even further value to the experience by checking out our partners at "This is HCD" who spent time interviewing some of the industry's leading voices during our conference. Listen on-the-go now.

10. Start thinking about all the exciting experiences you will encounter during SDGC20 Copenhagen

The news broke during the last day of SDGC19 that our 2020 conference will be taking place in the coastal city of Copenhagen and we could not be more thrilled. This cultural mecca will be an incredible city to host you, offering a backdrop teeming in inspiration, artistry and life! So mark your calendars (October 22-23 with pre-activities on the 21rst) and get ready to participate in the must-attend event of the year. We look forward to seeing you there. 


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