SDN Switzerland and IxDA Zurich join forces for co-hosted event

Inspired by the global cooperation of the networks, SDN Switzerland joined forces with IxDA Zurich, to end the year on a high note with an event featuring speakers from the SD Global Conference

The goal of the two organizations was to bring disciplines together, and facilitate discussions across the neighboring fields of interaction design and service design.

The first talk was delivered by the dynamic duo of Romain Pittet and Daniele Catalanotto. It was a talk-style version of Daniele's workshop from the Service Design Global Conference, made available for Swiss experts. The topic - what can service designers learn from the practice of storytelling. While no digital tool can replace the stage performance of Daniele and Romain, but the presentation is nevertheless available here.

The second talk was also an SDN Global Conference workshop, delivered in talk format by Roman Schöneboom, UX Design Systems Lead at Credit Suisse. He focused on a framework for problem framing, i.e. "To Get the Right Answer Ask the Right Question". Roman brought real-world examples as well, making the theory also very practical. See his slides here.

The final talk dived deep into a challenge known by many - bringing design to a large organization. Kevin Richard, Senior Designer and UX Strategist at Pictet Bank, managed to make the topic light, by likening the challenge to... layers of Pancakes! While effecting change through design in large organizations takes time, Kevin's slides are a good start - access them here.

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