SDN Accreditation Programme: Financial Inclusion at the Forefront

We are thrilled to announce that the SDN Accreditation Programme has a new financially inclusive pricing structure that considers the global disparity in currency value by using the World Bank's country income index as a guiding framework. Discover the new pricing structure and consider applying to get accredited by the SDN today. Many benefits await you such as being recognised as an ambassador for service design and the SDN in your country!

We, at the SDN, are committed to achieving a more diverse community of global SDN Accredited Service Designers unconstrained by economic barriers that may hinder them from accessing everything our organisation has to offer. 

Accordingly, we are establishing a new pricing structure for our SDN Accreditation Programme which eliminates a previously flat accreditation fee and replaces it with a multi-tiered pricing approach that considers the disparity in currency value between countries.

Using the World Bank's* country income index as a guiding framework, accreditation fees will now be based on where you live and fall into one of the following economic categories, as termed by the World Bank:

Income Categories*

SDN Practitioner Accreditation Fees

SDN Professional/Master Accreditation Fees

SDN member

SDN Professional/Master Accreditation Fees


High income

460 Euros 1,620 Euros 1,800 Euros

Upper middle income

305 Euros 1,080 Euros 1,200 Euros

Lower middle income

150 Euros 540 Euros 600 Euros

Low income

100 Euros 360 Euros 400 Euros

*To learn more about where your country falls within the World Bank’s country designations, please click here. Please note that a supplemental list can be found here for countries not registered within this index due to being territories of other countries or smaller independent nations.

The SDN Accreditation Programme

The SDN Accreditation Programme is an independent certification confirming that you have met established criteria and competencies within the field of service design.

Being accredited by the SDN, the leading non-profit institution for expertise in service design, elevates your profile and translates into trust and credibility among customers, new business prospects and employers in an ever expanding industry where service design is becoming the new normal.

Our Goal

Through the SDN Accreditation Programme, our goal is to establish a recognised level of expertise for service designers working in the industry worldwide.

We are confident that a more diverse community of global SDN Accredited Service Designers will unlock the full potential of the SDN Accreditation Programme to our community and position our accredited members at the forefront of innovation!

Explore the accreditation portal to learn more and consider applying for your SDN accreditation today. Many benefits await you such as being recognised as an ambassador for service design and the SDN in your country!


Cristine Lanzoni
Cristine Lanzoni - Service Design Network

Service Designer and Project Manager for the SDN Accreditation Programme at SDN HQ, Germany.

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