Key note live streams now available!

Key notes now online!

SDN Finland’s National Conference on 25.4.2018.
Venue: Aalto University’s idyllic Töölö campus, Helsinki.

NOTE: Key note presentations now available on SDN's Youtube channel, linked from the schedule. Enjoy!

Morning key notes
9:00 - 9:15 Opening
9:15 - 9:45 Birgit Mager (SDN, Cologne School of Design) // The Evolving Role of Service Design
9.45 - 10:15 Katri Saarikivi (Researcher, Team leader)  // Empathy, emotion technologies and human experience
- Break 15 min -
10:30 - 11:00 Aaron Eden (Lean Innovation Leader) // Stop Innovation
11:00 - 11:30 Andrea Siodmok (Deputy Director, Policy Lab and Open Innovation teams, UK) // Applying design in policy-making

- Lunch -   (11:30 - 12:40)

Track 1: Company transformation (Nokia auditorium)
12:40 - 13:10 Fabien Fedy, Nordea // From business designer to intrapreneur – learnings from one year of my journey with Nordea (Keynote)
13:15 - 14:00 Otso Hannula, Nitor // Facilitating collaboration with design games (Talk)
- Coffee break 25 min -
14:25 - 15:10 Johanna Noreila, Leidenschaft // How company culture drives transformation (Talk)
- Break 10 min -
15:20 - 16.05 Adalgisa Santos & Nargis Guseynova, KONE // Service design for companies' cultural change (Talk)
- Break 10 min -
16:15 - 17:00 Nuria Solsona, Aalto University // Industry shifts: Building new business ecosystems (Talk)
17:00 - 17:10 Closing words

Track 2: Future proofing (Room 301)
12:40 - 13:10 Eloise Smith-Foster,SDN & Rosie Trudgen, Kuudes // Untapped potential of future forecasting (Keynote)
13:15 - 14:00 Eloise Smith-Foster, SDN & Rosie Trudgen, Kuudes // Untapped potential of future forecasting (Workshop)
- Coffee break 25 min -
14:25 - 15:10 Jaakko Wäänänen, Hellon // What AI means for design? (Talk)
- Break 10 min -
15:20 - 16.05 Sami Niemelä, Nordkapp // Building actionable futures (Workshop)
- Break 10 min -
16:15 - 17:00 Turo Pekari,Teosto// It’s the end of the world as we know it (Talk)
17:00 - 17:10 Closing words

Track 3 - Doing good with design
 (Room 304)
12:40 - 13:10 Chris Langenskiöld, Mirum Agency // Design Helps! A mindset for ethical service design  (Keynote)
13:15 - 14:00 Milla Kokko, Hei-schools // Designing pedagogy. Designing with kids: Case HEI Schools (Talk)
- Coffee break 25 min -
14:25 - 15:10 Leyla Nasib and Jonna Rantanen// Designing for children (Talk)
- Break 10 min -
15:20 - 16:05 Henriika Lindroos // How to change the world – Value based service design for NGO's (Talk)
- Break 10 min -
16:15 - 17:00 Rose Matthews, M4ID // Co-design for cultural barriers (Talk) 
17:00 - 17:10 Closing words

Track 4: Designing for the people (Room 309)
12:40 - 13:10 Maria Leinvuo & Anni Leppänen, D9  // Design Sprint valtionhallinnossa
13:15 - 14:00 Suse Miessner & Mariana Salgado, Migri //  Baby steps in introducing co-design in Migri (Case)
- Coffee break 25 min -
14:25 - 15.10 Apaar Tuli & Ulla Holma. MaaS // The MaaSive change towards human-centered cities (talk)
- Break 10 min -
15:20 - 16.05 Laura Virkki, Vantaan kaupunki // Muotoilun evoluutio tietohallinnossa – palvelumuotoilusta liiketoiminnan muotoiluun (Talk)
- Break 10 min -
16:15 - 17:00  Netta Korhonen, Växthus // Kasvihuone menetelmä - työtapa jolla juurruttaa palvemuotoilu koko organisaatioon (workshop)
17:00 - 17:10 Closing words

EVENING SPRING PARTY @ HELLON  All welcome to join!

We reserve the right to do changes to timetable and tracks.
Please follow our Facebook event site for detailed speaker info.


#hkisdnc18 Please share with your own networks! 

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