Servitization is big business, and service design can support the development effectively.

2016 got off to a great start for events program for Service Design Network with an event around servitization and service design.

Off to a great start

2016 got off to a great start for the Copenhagen chapter’s events program, with a heavenly match between HOLONs service designer, Adrià Garcia i Mateu and service designer of MAN diesel & Turbo, Rikke Knutzen. The two of them build the yellow brick road to the land where creating services around products melt fluidly together with the hot business topic of after sales – now known as Servitization. Adrià presented the concentrated auditorium of AAU CPH with the step-by-step Value Creation Canvas for an efficient value propositioning by mapping companies service offerings with the expectation and experience of customers. In continuation, Rikke contributed with the experiences from a service design perspective, and formed the bridge from the present day learnings to the future view of the service design role in Servitization. The event finished off with a networking session, which allowed the participants to talk to and learn more from the professional speakers.
Carina Jensen & Merete Bokær
Off to a great start
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Adrià Garcia i Mateu is a service designer from HOLON in Catalonia. He has over the years worked in the intersection between servitization and service design and has a passion for communicating and inspiring people. He has experience in guiding companies through this specific transformation from product orientation to service orientation.

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Rikke Knutzen works as a Business Development Manager for MAN Diesel & Turbo in the service business MAN PrimeServ. Besides this she is co-founder of sdn-dk and have a big passion for the strategic use of design thinking in service businesses.

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