A Masterclass to share learnings about PSS design

On July 16, the Masterclass “Effective Implementation of Innovative Product Service Systems” took place in Utrecht. The masterclass was dedicated to share and discuss the most important insights on the development and implementation of PSS’s, from four years of research in the PSS101 project in CRISP.

The masterclass was organised by a selection of the PSS101 team: Monique Kemner (vanMorgen), Lilian Henze (TU Delft and P5 Consultants), Klaas Jan Wierda (Océ Technologies) and Marie de Vos (STBY) and featured two workshops.

The first workshop “ Service Innovation in Care and Wellbeing” was given bij PSS101 team members Monique Kemner and Lilian Henze. In this workshop, several design tools for supporting and developing networked collaboration were introduced.  

In the second workshop “Disruptive Innovation in industry” by Klaas Jan Wierda and Marie de Vos, a model for disruptive innovation was introduced to explain why it is so difficult to roll-out innovative concepts in organisations. The model was used by the participants to share success and failure factors.  

A very interesting mix of participants attended the Masterclass; business consultants, designers, and people from academia used the provided tools to share their experiences and learn from each other. The setting allowed participants to feel at ease, amongst peers and as such be very open and honest. As a consequence, the value of the workshop didn’t only come from the insights shared by the PSS101 team, but also very much orgininated from the lively discussions that emerged from using the tools and the new connections created during the networking drinks at the end.

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