About Francis Rowland

Francis Rowland
Cheshire | United Kingdom

We design services and digital products that help people to live and work better

Francis Rowland Nexer Digital, Service Design team leader

I'm a designer with experience of working in a range of sectors, including science, government, and charity. I've worked both in-house and in an agency, and I enjoy working with people on challenging, rewarding projects. I am particularly interested in applying design approaches to challenges associated with healthcare and life sciences services. More broadly, I am motivated by social impact, and work related to conservation and the environment (my background is in environmental science). 

I've been with Nexer (previously named Sigma!) since 2016, the same year in which, with a friend, I spoke about sabotage at the SDN global conference..

To me, service design means...

Service design gives me an opportunity to zoom out, and consider how things are connected systemically. It allows me to consider the layers involved in the delivery of good services, working alongside UX and content designers on the surface, service user-facing layers, and then with technical, process, and policy-focused people on the deeper layers. Helping to choreograph those connections and dependencies, whilst keeping a human-centred focus on the purpose of a service - who does this matter to, and what are they trying to achieve? - is an exciting thing to work on.

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