About Danny Bluestone

Danny Bluestone
London | United Kingdom

Founder & CEO of Cyber-Duck

Danny is passionate about... service design methodologies, innovation, design education, service design thinking and design and culture

Danny Bluestone Cyber-Duck, Founder & CEO

Danny established Cyber-Duck in 2005 from his flat in Mill Hill. He was driven by a desire to blend design, usability and technology to achieve the best user experience for companies. He brought multiple disciplines under one roof, including digital optimisation, technology and user-centred design.  

Cyber-Duck has an adaptable operating model, underpinned by a creative R&D edge. Danny is particularly passionate about Service Design. Under his guidance, Cyber-Duck is proudly an ISO accredited agency. That means we consistently deliver high-quality services that can solve challenging briefs from clients like the Bank of England and Sport England.

In 2015, he was awarded Wirehive 100’s first Digital Leader of the Year. With our agency previously listed in Deloitte’s Technology Fast 100 (EMEA), Danny has also been recognised by BIMA Hot 100. He was also chosen for the DIMA 50 male advocates for equality in marketing and media.

Danny enjoys regularly sharing expertise in keynotes for branding, marketing, user experience (UX) and tech conferences. These include the UKTI, Marketing Week Live, Business of Web Design, UX London, UXPA and internal workshops at the BBC’s Future Is Now. His digital insights have been featured in B2B Marketing, Econsultancy, UX Magazine, Web Designer Magazine and Smashing Magazine.

To me, service design means...

Service Design is an approach to find the happy path of user centricity, data, systems and operational effectivity. If implemented correctly, it provides a pragmatic approach to not only transforming the customer experience and operational success but also allows an organisation to implement and embed change.

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Handelsbanken - Bank Service Design case study

Handelsbanken - Bank Service Design case study

We created a scalable customer journey framework, through human-centred service design, for inclusive products and services to be compliant with the FCA’s Consumer Duty. We embedded a team of Service Designers, User Researchers, Data Analysts and a Programme Manager within the bank over a period of 6 months, helping to train and 'connect' Service Design to Product Management. 

Our work contributed towards a 59% increase in operating profits to £476.4m 

Cyber-Duck was chosen to create a new scalable customer journey framework and to help Handelsbanken embed a customer-centred service design approach across their products and services. Danny Bluestone

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