About Georges Klopotowski


► I am fluent in applying a human-centred design process in the business including looking for outside inspiration, building to think, and balancing constraints.
► I empathise with customers through contextual research, field studies, journey mapping, and user experience research.
► I investigate the true problem uncovering customer/citizen/patient/constituent needs which then leads to the ideation of potential solutions and the development of prototypes.
► I collaborate with clients to understand their business challenges and opportunities and to help identify and prioritise their near and long term goals.
► I am an expert in orchestrating, facilitating, designing and delivering innovation in partnership with the client's teams and external parties to create new and evolve existing products, services, and experiences to promote positive impact.
► I co-create user-focused strategies, innovations, solutions and experiences and the user testing and validation of these, considering usability, sustainability and appropriate visual and verbal articulation in line with Design Language Systems and Brand guidelines.
► I facilitate the design of business models that enhance and extend customer experiences.
► I help to nurture the innovation culture and develop innovation’s capabilities where participants feel comfortable challenging the status quo and having the confidence to iterate on ideas and experiments with an open mind.
► I have industry experience in Not for Profit organisations, Government, Telecom and Media, Utilities, Professional Services, Tertiary Education, and Technology vendors.
► I have had the opportunity to lead initiatives in diverse locations, such as Australia, Europe and South America.
To me, service design means...
Discover, define, develop and deliver experiences that enable customers to achieve the outcomes most important to them.
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