Impower future aircraft
Shanghai Chapter (CBi), in collaboration with Nanjing University of the Arts, organized a Workshop, which explored "Comfort oriented design of aircraft lavatory for passengers with reduced mobility".
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Shanghai Chapter (CBi), in collaboration with Nanjing University of the Arts, organized a Workshop, which explored "Comfort oriented design of aircraft lavatory for passengers with reduced mobility".
as member of SDN Shanghai chapter Cathy Huang was invited to speak at The Global Design Leaders Summit in Shenzhen, 29 June 2023.
As speaker and special guest, Cathy Huang gave a speech and had lively discussion at the "Demystifying the SD Award" session.
1st June is not only Children's Day but also Service Design Day which is a carnival for those who love service design.
With the aim of strengthen the impact of Service Design in different fields, and to build up Service Designer community in China.
Starting as early as 2008, we began committing resources and effort to developing service design in China. We began to transform our firms foundational mindset, while remaining human centered, we began to grow our abilities to facilitate co-creation as a way to identify shared value and to define shared purpose for investing in innovation for our clients.
On February 27th, SDN Shanghai Chapter Committee had the first meeting of 2019 to review the achievements reached in 2018 and set the goals of the following year.
No Breaking, No Creating.
In 2017, we launched the China Service Design Competition and selected 8 exceptional service design case studies.
The service industries accounted for 51.6% of China’s total GDP in 2017. The inevitable transition from product-oriented to service-oriented consumption has spawned service design.
On March 28th, SDN Shanghai Committee had the 2018 1st executive meeting in Shanghai.
“全球服务设计日”主题庆典活动,送给依然保有童心的你!你知道吗?6月1号除了是国际儿童节,还是全球服务设计日! 作为SDN(国际服务设计联盟)上海的主席单位,桥中精心策划了系列的主题庆典活动,通过众创快闪、创意海报等方式,和大家一起无边脑洞、群情激荡,共同欢庆这个特殊的日子。
说起中国,第一个浮现在你脑海的是哪个城市?北京,上海,深圳…… 没错,SDN上海终于成立啦! 继SDN北京后,中国大陆第二个SDN分支机构落户上海了! 那入选SDN上海,我们拼的是什么?是卓越的团队?高颜值?还是其他呢?