About Stefan Moritz

Global Innovation Leader | Speaker | Futuring productivity, differentiation and growth

Great to be part of this growing community! I was fortunate to stumble into Service Design in the end of the 90s, meet many fantastic people through SDN and keep discovering this fast evolving field.
To me, service design means...
When I grew up in East Germany I spent a lot of time traveling with my dad who was responsible for service of all foreign car brands. So I grew into a conviction that good service is key for success. I was bad at drawing so studying design wasn't really a feasible possibility. But Fascinated by the philosophy of design and how it can compliment and join other disciplines I came to Cologne to study integrated design I learned about Service Design and was lucky to meet and work with Birgit Mager and Michael Erlhoff. In the very beginning of SDN I met more great people and mapped the emerging field http://issuu.com/st_moritz/docs/pa2servicedesign
Stefan’s contributions
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Touchpoint Article

Purpose-Driven Research as Key to Successful Service Design
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Touchpoint Article

Sandwiches, Champions and Sliced Elephants: Corporate Cultural Change by Design
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Touchpoint Article

From the Editors
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Touchpoint Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1
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