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SDN Chapter News IN FLUX Service Design Conference

IN FLUX Service Design Conference

The conference successfully enabled connections between service designers and researchers. The event created an opportunity for 300 attendees from the private sector, government, academia and NGO's to come together to shape the conversation of a design discipline still finding its voice in Canada. Conference videos and slides are being uploaded if you would like to take a look.

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Other Participants Needed for Research Into the Working Practices of Designers

Participants Needed for Research Into the Working Practices of Designers

Are you interested in volunteering for a research study about the working practices of branding, service, experience and graphic designers?

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SDN Chapter News Official Chapter in Canada

Official Chapter in Canada

Over the last three months the Canadian Chapter of the Service Design Network has been hard at work: (1) putting in place the necessary infrastructure to administer the chapter, particularly challenging given the geographic span of Canada; (2) promoting the chapter and supporting local events; and (3) planning our first major multi-city initiative. What follows is a detailed accounting of each of these areas.

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