Nordic Service Design Network

The manifesto, which was signed by a small governance group, which represents the Nordic countries / SDN chapters and different perspectives from academia, business, public sector and consultancies.


Supporting the global SDN vision we believe that Service Design can help create better life for people in Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. And we hope that a joint Nordic collaboration can also contribute globally to advance service design and its positive impact on the world.

As an emerging field, Service Design facilitates a joint effort leveraging knowledge, competences and methods across management, marketing, research, and design disciplines. Service Design offers a mindset, shared language and methods to empower holistic thinking, human empathy and experience prototyping.

For the economy and society to thrive, this approach can offer fresh energy, new ways of working and more integrated and effective collaboration. The opportunity is vast. Currently 80% of GDP are in the service sector whilst service quality and service productivity lack far behind. Organizations that create well-designed services will provide better value to employees and customers and therefore have a sustainable advantage. And in public services the engagement and participation of citizens is vital to meet the big challenges ahead. As we emerge out of the old industrial paradigm, new models and new ideas are needed. However, instead of a new department, new collaborative glue is required.

We see a need for sharing, facilitation and collaboration amongst different key stakeholders including client-side organizations in the private as well as public sector, agencies of different kinds, educators, academics, policymakers, customers and society.



The Nordic Service Design Network aims to

  • Network individuals and organizations committed to better value creation
  • Champion and celebrate better services and customer experiences
  • Champion and celebrate more effective and efficient organizations
  • Support the adoption across enterprise, education and policy
  • Share ideas and solutions



We want to grow the movement based on these values

  • Inclusivity and openness
  • Commitment to creating a positive change in society and business
  • Leverage existing solutions, tools and ideas
  • Champion and celebrate great service and experiences



What do we intend to do in the next 3 years?

  • Seminars, workshops and conferences
  • Content
  • Education
  • Linking with existing initiatives



Proposed Governance Group

Commitment for 2 years to start

Meeting virtually 3-4x annually and ideally at least 1x in person

  • Simple matrix covering the 4 countries and academia (A), consultancies (C), business (B) & public sector (P)
  • 2 representatives from each country to ensure continuity, increase presence of each country and keep the group small enough – 8 members in total
  • Representatives of the local chapters
  • Members of SDN
  • One chair with vote only if even otherwise


–    Denmark: Mette (C), Katrine (B)

–    Sweden: Stefan H. (A), Magnus (C)

–    Norway: Lars-Ive (A) & TBC (P)

–    Finland: Ulla (B), TBC (P)

–    Chair: Stefan M.


Why connect the region?

  • Same values and potential opportunity (QoL, humanist, digital, collaborative, open)
  • Stronger together (bigger spot on the map)
  • Synergy (small markets, strong examples x4, good English)
  • Global ‘good life’ opportunity to inspire the world, make quality of life more sustainable, learn from others, accelerate momentum and scale



Bold goals (shared aims to collaborate towards and connect initiatives)

  • Nordic SD open school
  • Exhibition of Nordic Service Design
  • Experience Valley
  • (Still work in progress)



Action plan 2016/2017

  • Set up “Creating Value for Quality of Life” fund (based on profit share from SDGC14 conference
  • Content to promote key client-side pioneers (youtube, podcast, PR, events, etc.
  • Nordic one-off edition of TP magazine (TBD)
  • Nordic Meet-up and showcase at Amsterdam conference
  • SDN Award winners roadshow across Nordics
  • Executive education (probably focus on public sector)
  • Nordic SD summit (2017)
  • (Still work in progress)



Nordic Chapters Meeting in Stockholm, April 21, 2016

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