Chapter events - Switzerland

We are excited to invite you to this community meetup facilitated by France Hémain where you get the chance to meet and network with fellow Service Design nerds from Switzerland and all around the world.

Looking for a friendly space to connect with fellow service designers? 

Join us for the second edition of "Meet the Community". Hosted by France Hémain, a graduate of the Royal College of Art, this session invites service design enthusiasts from Switzerland and beyond to come together and start conversations.

What will happen during this event?

  1. InspireGet inspired by peers from the Swiss and international Service Design community.
  2. BelongMeet Service Design nerds you don't know yet and become part of the wider Service Design family.
  3. HangoutA bonus and non recorded hangout moment where we can chat together about all things Service Design.

About France Hémain

France is a Service Design lover and the facilitator for this meetup

​France is a Srategic Designer living in Europe where she moves between France and the UK. 

France has worked in the design world in the field of UI, UX research and even graphic design. She holds a Research and Human-Centered Design Masters from the Royal College of Arts.

Outside of work France is also a community lover. For example she has participated to the Youth Counsel for the region of Occitanie in France on questions of Sustainability. Today her love for the community is expressed by the fact that she is taking the lead on the second edition of the "Meet the community" webinar that she'll facilitate for the Swiss Service Design Network.

Don`t miss out

Book your ticket