Chapter events - United States

Three and a half years ago, the SDN New York Chapter (then the NYC Service Design Collective) hosted their first event at Flatiron Hall Restaurant and Beer Hall. It was exciting to see over 70 folks sign up and even more join us that evening. Little did we know then what the group might become.

Since then, we have grown to a community of almost 3K Meetup members with a monthly event cadence, and engaged participants of anywhere from 40 to upward of 60. When we were in person we were even getting close to 100 attendees–hard to imagine such a large crowd IRL now, but we have continued to grow, connect, and learn from each other in real life and virtually over the years! Thank you for all of your support, it has warmed our hearts. And now, we’re ready for the next chapter in this journey!

Join us at Prospect Park in Brooklyn to discuss the next chapter together and/or just come to hangout together in real life before we head indoors for the Fall and Winter months of the pandemic.

We are happy to answer any questions about our training program to get a small cohort up to speed with what Natalie, Kathleen, and Antonio have been doing behind the scenes to make all things happen SDN NYC.

Sign up for the training program and apply to one day lead the SDN New York Chapter here (you can also recommend someone, but please make sure to inform them)

Loose Agenda

** Check discussion board below for spot we claim within the park after we all gather at 1pm. **

1:00 pm ~ 1:15 pm: Gather Under Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch

1:15 pm ~ 1:30 pm: Make Our Way Into Prospect Park and Claim a Spot

1:30pm ~ 2:00 pm: Connect, Catchup, Answer Questions

2:00pm ~ 2:30 pm: Close, Leave Prospect Park

Finally, we MAY find a way to connect with those from afar online, but this will primarily be an in person event.

See you there :)

Kathleen, Natalie, Antonio