Chapter events - United States

Learn about the role of Service Design in developing design governance systems

Event Description

Join us for a discussion on the role of service design to develop design governance systems. We'll explore the role of service design in helping leaders make human-centric decisions and manage complex service ecosystems at scale. Our speaker Antonio Iadarola will provide insights on the evolving role of how design agencies can support organizations in developing in-house service design teams.

Topics we will discuss:

  • The rise of in-house service design and the future of design agencies
  • The limitations of singular journey mapping and the shift towards service architectures
  • The importance of service evaluation frameworks as a tool for design decision-making

Antonio Cesare Iadarola, PhD

With a background in industrial and participatory design, Antonio works as a service and workplace consultant at Studio Wé, which he co-founded in 2014. For the last 10+ years, he led projects for organizations of all sizes in sectors ranging from finance, public services, healthcare, manufacturing, retail and tech.

The Future of Work is the arena of Antonio’s research and practice. He is particularly interested in how to design work processes and the physical-digital spaces where they take place, to create human-centric workplace experiences in organizations that are keen to innovate.

Antonio is a former Associate Professor of Industrial Design Thinking at Beijing Institute of Technology and now regularly lectures and facilitate workshops in the US and Europe. In 2018 he co-initiated the Service Design Network in NYC, where he is now based.

Loose Agenda

  • 6:00-6:10 PM Welcome & Networking. Happy 2023!
  • 6:10-6:50 PM Presentation by Antonio Iadarola
  • 6:50-7:05 PM Group reflection activity on personal experiences with using service design practices at different scales
  • 7:05-7:20 PM Group sharing of reflections
  • 7:20-7:50 PM Networking and meeting other service design enthusiasts
  • 7:50-8:00 PM Wrap up