Chapter events - United States

To celebrate the launch of the latest issue of Service Design Network's journal "Touchpoint" we have invited Jesse Grimes and Mike Pinder to share their perspectives.

They will go into detail about the challenges and opportunities for Service Design in the context of innovation and startups.

Jesse is Touchpoint's Editor-in-Chief, and an independent Amsterdam-based service designer who works with start-ups and innovation labs. Mike is a guest Editor of Touchpoint and Senior Innovation Consultant at Board of Innovation.

Jesse will approach this topic from two perspectives. He'll begin by presenting the values that service design thinking and techniques can deliver to start-ups and innovators, while also discussing some of the inherent challenges and conflicts. He'll then discuss how service designers can find opportunities working in this space. See a recent article he wrote on this areas here:

Mike will share his experiences working with global Fortune 500 project teams and will locate Service Design as a discipline across the corporate innovation landscape. He will present insights into what intrapreneurial innovation funnels are inherently trying to achieve in terms of ‘knowing’ across entire projects whilst critically-presenting the role Service Design can optimally play.

Download the latest Touchpoint Here –

Find Jesse and Mike on LinkedIn:



General itinerary —

6:00 ~ 6:30 pm Grab a Bite (pizza provided) & Network

6:30 ~ 6:50 pm Jesse Grimes shares his perspective

6:50 ~ 7:10 pm Mike Pinder shares his perspective

7:10 ~ 7:45 pm Questions, Table Discussion

7:45 ~ 8:15 pm Continued Networking

See you there :)