SDN Finland toimii jäsentensä eduksi

Learn about the events we are hosting regularly. The new additions to our events are the Book Club and the method workshops.

SDN Finland järjestää tapahtumia ja koulutuksia säännöllisesti ympäri vuoden. Mukaan ovat tervetulleita kaikki palvelumuotoilusta kiinnostuneet, etusija on kuitenkin jäsenillämme.
Järjestämämme säännöllisesti muun muassa seuraavia tapahtumia. Tapahtuman kieli valikoituu osallistujien mukaan. Jos haluat järjestää tilaisuuden kanssamme, ole yhteydessä!

We are hosting regularly following types of events. Events can be held either in English or Finnish. If you want to host an event please be in touch with us!

A thematic mini seminar or networking event around a current topic. The events are held in the premises of our member or stakeholder organizations after work or as breakfast gatherings. The meet ups will be organized once a month excluding Christmas and Summer seasons. So far, we have hosted events in the Helsinki area and Tampere.
To host an event please be in touch: Jaana or Teija

This is an event for (wanna-be) in-house service designers in business and public organizations. The aim is to provide a networking forum to share experiences, best practices or discuss topics such as selecting an agency, educating staff, building in-house service design organization or evaluating the impact of service design. Organized 1-2 times a year, priority given to our members.
To host an event please be in touch: Tia or Teija

The Book Club meets casually 2-3 times a year over pre-defined reading material in the field of Service Design.
To suggest a book or to host a Book Club meeting please be in touch: Andy, Anssi or Teija

These hands-on events are bringing together our members to elaborate and learn about service design related methods and tools.
To suggest a topic or to host a workshop please be in touch: Pamela, Susanna or Tarja

This a full-day national event for a large audience of professionals from service providers in business and public services,  the service design community, academics and students. The first national conference was organized in 2015. The next one is planned for Spring 2018.
If you want to get involved for the next conference planning please be in touch: Jaana or Tarja

We are eager to co-create any events promoting service design and supporting our chapter objectives in Finland. By partnering with us you will have marketing access to hundreds of our members and community followers. Examples of partnership events: Hyvinvointi-hackaton / Well Being Hackaton (October 2017); Service Days with FSA (Finnish Service Alliance);  Service Jams; Global Government Jam; Design Talk (Design Forum Finland).
To co-host an event with us please be in touch: Jaana or Tarja


teija.hakaoja AT
tarja.chydenius AT
jaana.komulainen AT

eliisa.sarkkinen AT

tia.sistonen AT

andy.pattichis AT

andreas.pattichis AT

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