Our contributions as a chapter closely align to our values of education, diversity and inclusivity. We endeavour to educate three target groups namely, a general audience of novice or aspiring Service Designers (SDs) that would like to find out what this “new” design area is all about. Then, we aim to educate current Service design practitioners on how to educate their clients and prospective clients on the benefits of SD, and why they should be implementing SD practices into their innovation and service re-imagining initiatives.
Lastly, we aim to educate corporates and government on much of the same, showing them the value that SD can bring to their organisations and our society. In these endeavours, we aim to cast our SDN net as wide as possible, reaching as many sectors and user types as we can – Driving inclusion and education of SD in SA.
Our vision:
To make an extraordinary difference to ordinary South Africans by educating our maturing market about the virtues andpositive impact of authentic Service Design, when infused into the reimagining of services in our region.
What does good Service Design look like?Service Design should drive measurable and impactful change, that not only solves a need but has either a financial number behind it or another key metric is changed. The current industry approach is “shoot first, question later”. We wouldlike service design to be about questioning first and shoot when required.
How can Service Design benefit the everyday South African on the street?In South Africa we suffer from corporates (global and local) forcing solutions onto people without understanding our uniquecontext or the real need behind it (the problem). Service Design can create better service and product delivery withcultural and context-specific solutions. Services designed in this waste will hopefully also minimise waste of all kinds i.e time, money and resources, which South Africa can ill-afford at any level.