By establishing SDN Poland we intend to initiate an integration of community of service designers of different professional levels: from students, through young professionals to senior experts.

Our vision covers organizational transformation through service design. We intend to promote theoretical background and showcase practical examples of servitization - that is of the organizational shift from goods dominant logic to service dominant logic.

As SDN Poland we intend to focus our efforts on promoting awareness of service design and its benefits in Poland.

Tomasz Bieńkowski
Tomasz Bieńkowski - Founder, Lead Service Designer at Innovation Titans

My goal is to connect with other service designers in Poland and elevate professionalism within the field. I would like to help bridge the gap between the scientific theory of service sciences and practice. I see the need to educate the market (public, private and third sector) in regard to the value of service design. As a founder of Innovation Titans, service design agency that operates both in Polish and Belgian markets, having experience gained from participation in newly founded SDN Belgium, I would like to bring Polish service design scene to the global market.

Marta Kuroszczyk
Marta Kuroszczyk - Owner | Lead Service Designer

My motivation with SDN Polish Chapter is to promote and implement Service Design in Poland, especially amongst the public sector with experienced and recognizable institutions on my side. Also, I would like to exchange knowledge and experience with other professionals from around the world who work within the public sector to foster the best practices on the local market and build knowledge space and recognition of Service Design for Public.

Katarzyna Młynarczyk
Katarzyna Młynarczyk - CEO | Service Designer

Socjomania (my first company) has service design in its DNA and future direction in strategy 2015-2020. I made a couple of steps, which support our vision to have a core business as digitalization of services. My team is supporting me in that field, by implementing service design premises in their projects (strategy work), conducting courses on design thinking and service design and transforming the culture of our organization in that approach.

Piotr Wojciechowski
Piotr Wojciechowski - CEO | Service Designer

I want to grow awareness about Service Design and its possible application to business and public sector. I also truly believe that through Polish Chapter we can help people in growing their projects, businesses and local communities.

Beata Bieńkowska
Beata Bieńkowska - Advisor at Innovation Titans

My goal is to co-create a service design network based on sound ethical rules. I intend to help the Polish community in the process of service design professionalization and internalization.