Home based care, remote patient monitoring, adherence metrics — the future of value based care demands an unprecedented level of patient involvement. This panel will bring together doers and learners in healthcare to explore the role of experience design in the evolving future of value based healthcare.

- May 14, 2024; 11am - 12pm ET
- 10 min | Intro & SDN Welcome
- 25 min | Panel Discussion
- 10 min | Audience Q&A
- 15 min | Break Out Room Discussion & Networking
- Karyn Becker
- How does experience design differ in VBC arrangements versus traditional formats? Does is differ?
- How have you seen this play out at your organization?
- How do you navigate tensions between patient experience and cost, provider experience, etc.?
- VBC brings together more stakeholders than previous models, how do you champion experience design in the ever-diversifying accountable players?
- All panelists comments represent their views and not necessarily those of their employers

Allison Matthews leads design for Mayo Clinic's Bold. Forward. Unbound in Rochester program, driving a $5 billion healthcare transformation. With a background in architecture and medicine, she pioneers patient-centric design solutions. Redesigning Mayo Clinic Primary Care and spearheading diverse initiatives aligning with the Triple Aim framework, Allison is at the forefront of healthcare innovation. Her expertise in experience design is pivotal in navigating the evolving landscape of Patient Centered and Value-Based Healthcare.

Dr. Gondi is a resident physician in internal medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital committed to using policy and innovation to redesign the American health care system. His work on health care payment and delivery system reform has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and the Lancet, and general healthcare perspectives have appeared in CNN, NPR, USA Today, STAT, and Scientific American.

Brandy is a Health Design & Strategy leader, with 14 years experience in product and service innovation, ranging from digital design, service design, med device design, patient and provider experience design, designing for adherence, and more. With a background in design, ethnographic research, psychology, and nutrition, she brings a unique whole-person perspective to both medicine and the design world.
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