Hi there friends of design!
Mark Thursday 19|12! Our 1Master students showcase their product-service system designs at UAntwerpen - Product Development - Paardenmarkt 94 Antwerp the new building. We welcome you from 10AM-6PM for the yearly hashtag EXPO 'New Meanings for Meanwhile Spaces', with 18 mind-blowing cases, e.g., airports, train stations & bus stops, beach, service flats, churches, abandoned spaces, and more). servicedesign
So ... "want some inspiration before the holidays?" "looking for interns?" "consider a short daybreak?" "fancy a talk+walk+drink amidst great projects?" "see similarities with projects you're working on?"
Together with my colleagues Kristel Van Ael, Sander Zelck, Dorien Eeckhout & Maud Gruyters, we hope to see you there, PM for more info! ????
Chapter events
- Belgium
Join us on December 19, 2024!
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